Two days workshop on “Writing a Research Thesis/Project Synopsis” jointly organized by the department of Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC), National Center of Excellence in Physical Chemistry (NCEPC), University of Peshawar and PASTIC, Peshawar at NCEPC University of Peshawar on October 21st to 22nd, 2019.

workshop “writing research thesis/project synopsis” at NCEPCPASTIC is the premier organization for dissemination of Scientific and Technological Information to the Scientists, Researchers, Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Industry and Citizens of Pakistan.

Director, NCEPC, University of Peshawar Prof. Dr. Abdul Naeem graced the workshop as the Chief Guest at the opening ceremony.

 The Chief Organizer Manager (ORIC), University of Peshawar  Mr. Zahoor Ahmad welcomed the participants and highlighted the objectives of the event on the first day of the workshop at NCEPC.

Meritorious Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal (TI), Department of Pharmacy, University of Peshawar talked about the research synopsis writing according to the format of University of Peshawar. He highlighted that  synopsis is a brief but precise writing in a manner that facilitates the reviewer to understand thesis/research project at a glance.

Deputy Director, PASTIC, Peshawar Mrs. Ghazala Ali Khan, as resource person spoke about the importance of writing a synopsis and said that synopsis gives a panoramic view of research for quick analysis by the reviewers.

The first day was closed with lively questions&Answer session.


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